The complete code of ethics of the eccq
Revised December 9, 2021
eccq – éleveurs canins certifiés du québec inc., hereinafter the “eccq”, establishes a code of ethics for its members in order to protect the interests of the eccq by enforcing rules of conduct and behavior in addition to applicable laws.
The Code supports the values of the ECCQ, namely:
- Respect
- Solidarity
- Integrity
- Ethics
- Responsability
It is the responsibility of each member and employee of the ECCQ to be aware of this Code and to respect it.
In order to ensure uniform application of this Code, any case, situation or statement requiring an opinion, decision or approval must be submitted to the board of directors of the ECCQ, if and when applicable. Likewise, any request for information concerning the application or interpretation of this Code should be addressed to the ECCQ board of directors.
This Code’s purpose and objective is to maintain the trust of both members and non-members of the ECCQ by establishing a code of conduct that serves to elevate and sustain the reputation, integrity and professionalism of the ECCQ. The Code sets out the policies, the standards, rules and ethical and deontological principles that must guide members in their daily actions and in their relations with all parties, namely representatives of the ECCQ, business partners, adopters and other members.
The Code applies to:
- Employees of the ECCQ;
- Members of the ECCQ;
- Persons whose professional services are retained from time to time by the ECCQ on a contractual basis, as applicable.
This Code applies throughout the period that an employee occupies a position with the ECCQ, as long as the person hired or whose services are retained on a contractual basis remains under contract for the ECCQ.
The Code applies throughout the period a member is certified and benefits from the certification issued by the ECCQ.
Certain provisions or specific measures, such as, but without being limited to, those pertaining to the confidentiality of information and loyalty, shall continue to apply even after the termination of the employee’s functions or following the termination of the contract carried out for the benefit of the ECCQ or after the termination of a member’s certification.
- Code: This Complete Code of Ethics of the ECCQ.
- Board of Directors: The board of directors of the ECCQ.
- Deontology/Code of Ethics: set of rules, policies and standards governing a profession or function.
- Employee: any person employed by the ECCQ, including managers, volunteers, temporary or permanent employees as well as any other authorized representative of the ECCQ. For the purposes of this Code, this expression also includes persons hired as a subcontractor on a contractual basis, as long as this contract is valid and in force, to the extent that the provisions of this Code may or should apply.
- Member: any person benefiting from a subscription and/or certification issued by the ECCQ.
- Ethics: reflection process on the meaning of actions and their multiple consequences.
- Confidential Information: all information managed and treated by the ECCQ of a confidential nature, which must remain unknown to the public. The Confidential Information also includes, but without being limited to, private and personal information.
- Person: refers to any natural or legal person.
- Personal information: any information relating to a natural or legal person and which enables to identify that person. Any and all Personal Information constitutes Confidential Information, if, and only if, the Person it refers to has not previously given its written authorization for divulgation.
- ECCQ: the abbreviation of the ECCQ – Éleveurs Canins Certifiés du Québec Inc.
Code of conduct
Seven rules have been retained by the ECCQ to guide the conduct of its members and employees on an ongoing basis, namely:- Loyalty, integrity and competence;
- Social responsibility;
- Compliance: laws, regulations and policies governing the ECCQ;
- Respect of others;
- Protection of the Confidential Information;
- Avoid conflicts of interests; and
- Compliance with ECCQ certification.
Loyalty, integrity and competence
Every member or employee must carry out their functions and activities with loyalty, integrity and competence.
The member or employee must act with loyalty towards the ECCQ, in particular by avoiding causing harm to it by speaking or participating in activities in such a way as to discredit the ECCQ or to harm its buisness and commercial activities, both as part of the member or employee’s duties with the ECCQ and in outside activities, particularly during volunteer activities.
The member or employee must undertake to make the results of genetic health tests, records and any other information deemed important for the breeding program accessible to the ECCQ as well as to potential buyers.
An employee’s obligation of loyalty extends beyond the termination of their employment or their duties with the ECCQ, for a reasonable period of time, the whole determined in accordance with the nature of the duties performed by the employee within the ECCQ.
Any member and employee who becomes aware of a fraud, a questionable practice, an error, an omission, an inaccuracy or a falsification with regard to the ECCQ or pertaining to its business and activities must report, as soon as possible, such a situation to the ECCQ board of directors.
Members must also undertake to adopt an honest attitude and behavior towards the ECCQ, as well as to remain honest towards their registration club by following their regulations, policies, standards and procedures, by registering all their breeding dogs and litters, and by agreeing to maintain the structure, movement and behavior of the breed standard established by their club.
Any employee who processes or in any way handles Confidential Information, including, but without being limited to, financial information, data concerning members or partner companies, and or concludes contracts on behalf of the ECCQ, including collaboration contracts, must adhere to all the principles and standards of quality of the ECCQ concerning the recording, presentation and disclosure of its operations and financial results, as well as those concerning the conclusion of contracts. The employee must handle the Confidential Information in question with rigor and accuracy, so as to preserve the integrity of the members and of the data. Employees must be impartial in the exercise of their judgment.
The member and employee must provide competent services and demonstrate responsibility in canine husbandry and in the performance of the tasks assigned to them. The member and employee must also keep their breeding knowledge up to date.
Furthermore, the member and employee agrees and undertakes to:
- register and remain registered with a recognized and competent kennel club, namely the CKC (Canadian Kennel Club), the AKC (American Kennel Club), the FCI (Federation cynologique internationale), the FCC (Canine Federation of Canada) or the CBCA (Canadian Border Collie association);
- ensure the good physical and mental health of their dogs, as long as the dogs are at their home, in their breeding program, in a foster family or until the adoption of the animal;
- make judicious selection of the breeding dogs by choosing healthy dogs and ensure that the selected breeding dogs have passed all the genetic health tests of the breed, that they have a stable and adequate temperament for reproduction and that the protocol recommended by the OFA (Orthopedic Foundation for Animals) has been followed;
- provide quality health care for their dogs, proper and adequate play and exercise, in sufficient quantity, depending on the breed, and have suitable accommodation and a healthy diet for the dogs in their care;
- produce quality puppies, that is, to do the maximum possible to produce healthy dogs with good temperament. In order to do so, members and employees must choose breeding dogs who have already passed genetic health tests, have a stable and adequate temperament, and choose only dogs with the physical and mental maturity to reproduce and breed a litter;
- participate in conformation shows or breed work competitions at least once a year in order to keep an objective perspective and analysis on the structure and reproduction of their breed.
- ensure, if they uses a breeding dog from another breeder, that this breeding dog has all the necessary qualities to reproduced itself and that this other breeder has followew similar breeding criteria to the satisfaction of the ECCQ standards;
- ensure, if the member offers the use of a breeding male, that the female used also has the qualities required for mating and reproduction, that the chosen breeder dog has adequate facilities for the birth and subsequently raising of the puppies and that the breeder has the necessary knowledge for sale and successful breeding;
- respond within a reasonable time to messages involving a dog that they have produced and/or sold;
- select families to ensure they match the race;
- have a sterilization contract within a reasonable period of time for all dogs sold as pets;
- do the necessary research before selling a dog as a breeding animal by verifying the knowledge, skills, breeding program and facilities of the purchaser, and agree to tutor them if necessary.
For example, competitions for:
- hunting (retrievers, hounds, pointer dogs, flushing dogs, blood tracking dogs) etc.
- herding, guarding, and protecting livestock etc.
- guard dogs (IGP, PSA and French ring) etc.
Canine activities such as agility, cani-cross, flyball etc. are not considered breed work.
Social responsibility
Through its mission and values, the ECCQ promotes social responsibility by adopting a behavior that meets the expectations of the Quebec society. The member or employee must at all times be aware of the social consequences of their decisions.
Members undertake to personally perform and execute the sale of their puppies, by themselves only, and without the recourses of an intermediary or third party such as pet store, individual or dealer.
Compliance : laws, regulations and policies governing the eccq
It is the responsibility of the employee or member to know, be aware of and understand the laws applicable to their area of expertise and that of the ECCQ.
An employee or member who is aware of a fact or a situation that they know constitutes a violation the law must report it in accordance with the competent authorities.
The member or employee agrees to comply with the laws in force, including, but without being limited to:
- Animal Pedigree Act https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/fra/lois/a-11.2/index.html
- Animal Welfare and Safety Act http://legisquebec.gouv.qc.ca/fr/ShowDoc/cs/B-3.1
- Animal Health Protection Act http://legisquebec.gouv.qc.ca/fr/ShowDoc/cs/P-42
- Act to Promote the Protection of Persons by Establishing a Framework with Regard to Dogs http://legisquebec.gouv.qc.ca/fr/ShowDoc/cs/P-38.002
Since The Canadian Kennel Club is the Canadian authority on purebred dogs and the organization is incorporated under the Animal Pedigree Act, the ECCQ encourages its members to transfer their registrations to The Canadian Kennel Club , if it is possible for their breed.
The member also agrees to comply with the regulations of the club in which they are registered, either the CKC, AKC, FCI, FCC or the CBCA.
Respect of others
All employees must carry out their funtions, duties and activities with respect for others.
Members must respect the other members and the employees and contribute to maintaining harmonious relationships between breeders. They must encourage cooperation, collaboration, solidarity, respect, integrity and professionalism among members in order to promote the interests of the ECCQ to the public.
Members must behave respectfully in order to positively promote the image of dog breeding to all those who could see their publications and/or their behaviour.
Any form of intrusion of privacy and harm caused to the reputation is not acceptable. Any harassment or suspected harrassment must be reported in accordance with the competent authorities.
Protection of confidential information
Members conducting business with the ECCQ are entitled to request from the ECCQ and its representatives and partners that their information, Personal and Confidential Information, as well as any information pertaining to their contract, remain confidential.
All employees must sign a confidentiality agreement when are hired.
Employee Obligations
Each employee must exercise discretion and treat the Confidential Information with caution, using it only for the performance of their functions, duties and activities with the ECCQ. They must never disclose, other than when mandatory in the course of their employment, and this only within a working context, the Confidential Information obtained in the exercise of their functions and they must not use it to the detriment of a member, of the ECCQ, of an employee or for their own interest.
All information provided by a member who is not publicly listed, following their voluntary registration, is considered Confidential Information. This information may not be transmitted or disclosed without authorization for this purpose by the member.
This obligation continues to apply after the termination of employment or certification with the ECCQ.
Protection Measures for Confidential Information
Under the policies and procedures in effect, the employee must take the necessary measures to respect the privacy of the Confidential Information at all times, including:
- ensuring that the Confidential Information contained on paper and electronic support is not accessible to unauthorized or third parties;
- not discussing cases concerning the ECCQ in public:
- taking appropriate measures when disposing of documents;
- handing over all documents that belong to the ECCQ at the time of termination of their duties.
Unless they have an office with a lock or an area that can be locked, the employee:
- cannot leave a confidential document on their desk and or in plain sight during their absence,
- cannot leave documents in a public place,
- must store documents securely in a locked filing system, if possible,
- must shred confidential documents after use, rather than throwing them in the trash,
- must activate the screensaver on their computer when away from their desk,
- must store “hard” copies of emails received in a secure location,
- must respect the confidential nature of their user password.
Public places:
- Restaurants,
- Elevators,
- Public toilets,
- Cafeteria/break room,
- Common areas,
- All areas wherein others can be seen and heard
Contact with the Media & Divulging Information
No member or employee, except those expressly authorized to do so, may discuss with media representatives any matter pertaining to a member or any other matter regarding the ECCQ.
Communications with the media must always take place with the prior knowledge and written consent of the ECCQ.
A member or employee who wishes to participate in a public forum or give a conference pertaining to the ECCQ or any related subject must first inform the ECCQ, which will open a file for review before rendering a decision.
Members and employees must distinguish between speaking about the ECCQ as opposed to speaking on behalf of the ECCQ. A person speaking about the ECCQ when expressing their opinion may do so by clearly indicating that they are speaking on their own behalf. Such a person expressing their own opinion may not act or present themselves as a representative of the ECCQ or otherwise acting on behalf of the latter.
Avoiding Conflicts of Interests
Each employee is committed and undertakes to maintain a high level of independence and impartiality and to prioritize the interests of the ECCQ in the course of their functions and duties. Any employee acting as a dog breeder as well shall not be able to judge, on their own, the validity of an application for a registration of another dog breeder of the same breed.
Compliance with ECCQ certification
If the member does not respect his certification, it will be considered a violation of the Code and disciplinary measures will be established depending on the nature of the violation. This could range from a written notice with a deadline to restore the situation or the withdrawal of certification with the ECCQ.
Essential Certification
The member must remain up to date in their registration paperwork and requirements, including, without being limited to, in their genetic health tests requested by the OFA according to the dog breed as well as participate, at least once a year, in conformation or breed work. If the dog breeder has a new breeding dog, it is their responsibility to provide the ECCQ with the appropriate documentation required to prove their compliance with their certification.
Premium Certification
The member of the Premium Certification must meet at all times the criteria of the Essential Certification in addition to those of the Premium Certification. The member agrees to apply the socialization program to each of their litters as well as to respect their adoption contracts and the Breeder Guarantees included in their registration form. The member also undertakes to keep their information up to date, taking into account any adjustment deadline.
Absolute Certification
The member of the Absolute Certification must meet at all times the criteria of the Essential and the Premium Certification in addition to those of the Absolute Certification. The member also undertake to keep the premises of their breeding activity location at the same inspection-level quality as during the annual visit of the premises. The member undertakes to keep the ECCQ informed of any change in the environment or in the breeding family of the dogs.
Declaration and Training
Upon employment and start of their functions and duties, the employee must successfully complete the training established by the ECCQ.
Annually, all members and employees must sign this Code to confirm that they agree to respect the policies, rules and obligations described in this Code.
Reporting situations of non-compliance
The purpose of this section is to educate the public, members and employees on the proper way to raise questions about a breach or violation of this Code.
All non-compliance situations must be reported to the ECCQ. Such a situation may be reported to the ECCQ by email at info@eccq.ca. All complaints and reports remain confidential.
Respect of the code
Failure to comply with this Code represents a risk that may cause prejudice or damage to the ECCQ as well as to its members, employees or other partners. Every employee and member agrees to abide by this Code.
Any dishonest, illegal or unethical conduct constitutes a violation of this Code even if it is not expressly provided for herein.
The ECCQ may impose disciplinary measures to anyone who contravenes to the provisions of this Code. Such disciplinary measures may lead to, but without being limited to, the dismissal or withdrawal of certification. The appropriate disciplinary measures will be established by the ECCQ on a case-by-case basis, after study of the case, depending on the nature and frequency of the contravention.
The ECCQ reserves all its rights to report any conduct contrary to this Code, illegal or dishonest, to the regulatory or governmental authorities concerned.